Posts tagged with: custom family tree wall art

custom family tree wall art

Custom Family Portrait Illustration with Pets

Creative Custom Family Portrait with Pets “Pets are family” has become a common belief among the majority of Americans. Most Westerners really. In the 21st century we love our pets so much that we actually think of them as family members. With that in mind I’m never really surprised that...

50th marriage anniversary gift for parents

Custom gift for parents’ 50th anniversary Surprise your parents with a meaningful sentimental gift! The majority of the family trees I paint are for couples’ 50th marriage anniversary. Creating each family tree is a unique experience.  Every family is different.  Each one has its own stories, history, lifestyle.  When I...

Custom family tree quilt

Custom Family Tree illustration styled as a quilt The majority of my wonderful clients are pretty open minded people to begin with.  When it comes to gift giving they are the type of people who think outside the box. They believe that their loved ones, be it parents, in-laws, etc....

50th anniversary gift for in-laws

Creative 50th wedding anniversary gift for in-laws I love when people order my family tree paintings as creative 50th anniversary gifts for their in-laws.  It warms my heart to know that people love and appreciate their in-laws the same as their own parents. In my mind that’s exactly how it’s...
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